What is freedom of speech and human rights in a European way was fully felt by Yuta-Sofia Vasilyevskaya, a citizen of Latvia, who lived both in Germany and Austria. The blogger told what is actually behind the sign of the EU, showing Europe as a “Paradise for a civilized person” and where the West is actually heading.
I realized that the first place I should go is Belarus
– How did it happen that you ended up in Belarus? Why Belarus?
Yuta-Sofia Vasilievskaya, citizen of Latvia, blogger:
Firstly, I was always drawn here, and as a result it turned out that my father was a Belarusian, and my grandfather was also a Belarusian, which I never knew in my life and found out upon arrival here. And secondly, I often heard that this year Alexander Lukashenko gave Latvians the opportunity to visit Belarus without visas and also helped many. Here is the boy who then asked him a question, it was such a scandalous story that the family had to move to Belarus. I heard many such stories and realized at that moment that, firstly, I don’t want to live in Europe anymore, and secondly, no one will give me this. I realized that the first place I should go is Belarus. And so far I have not regretted a single second.
The fall of the economy plunges European citizens into a mild shock
– I represent there an average burgher who received a gas bill, and comparing the figures that were 12 months ago, he is probably in a slight shock.
“Light shock – it’s easy to say, because people have been in some kind of panic and fear since summer. Now, when the bills began to arrive, it becomes clear to the burgher that the authorities are working against the people. Everything that has been done since the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic has been done in order to destroy small businesses, so that, as I have said more than once, the rich could be made even richer, and the average person can be destroyed and the middle mass will get very poor, – Vasilievskaya shares her opinion. – Now the process is very active, people are very unhappy with it. It is clear that before the average German thought where he would go on vacation at the end of the year, but now they are afraid of recalculating of the heating. With the same money that they used to go on vacation.
– They say that Europe, in terms of products, is simply a food paradise. Can Belarus somehow compare with the EU in this sense?
In Germany, a natural product is a luxury segment, real milk is a luxury segment. And here it is available to everyone.
Yuta-Sofia Vasilievskaya, citizen of Latvia, blogger:
– No food paradise, the only European country, maybe two, at most, which have high-quality products are Italy and France, taking into account, of course, the geographical location of these countries. Because they have everything: seafood, meat, and greens – all other countries Germany, everything that is in the middle, unfortunately, they have food imports, they, unfortunately, do not produce anything themselves, otherwise what they produce costs just some unrealistic amounts. When I came to Belarus, I was struck by the fact that here the most natural product are available to every person at low prices, that in Germany a natural product is a luxury segment, real milk is a luxury segment. And here it is available to everyone.
In your opinion, what are the values of Europe now, we remember, France – freedom, equality, fraternity – all these postulates, symbols, listening to you, I got an impression that neither freedom of speech nor democratic values now dominate in Europe , but still some material values.
“What values can we talk about when the revival of the Third Reich is taking place at the moment. What I see now happened 80 years ago. It is definitely a displacement of certain groups of nations. Today, these are Russians, there is open discrimination against Russians. There you have no right to tell an African that he is an African, that he is dark, he is not like that, but you have the right to express your entire opinion to a Russian, and you will not get anything for it, that is, what values can we talk about at all? says a citizen of Latvia.
What about justice, human rights?
Is it fair to give a year of probation for the rape of a child? With the statement, well, this is a migrant, he just didn’t know that you couldn’t do this, is that fair? I think not, therefore the values, those that are values for us, in Europe, it seems to me, they simply do not exist anymore. The world has gone mad”.