This press release is submitted and shown here in its original form, unedited by Furniture Today.
Lexington, NC, Dec. 7, 2022 —The Media Matters (TMM Agency), a leading full-service marketing, branding, communications, and public relations firm rooted in the furnishings, décor and interior design industries, was voted as the Best Public Relations/Advertising Agency winner in the recent Furniture Today Reader Rankings Awards. The agency was also named the Best Public Relations/Advertising Agency finalist in the Designers Today Reader Rankings Awards.
TMM Agency president Dawn Brinson said that she was “honored and grateful to all who supported us and voted for our team. We pride ourselves in delivering strategic communication services to our valued clients including well-known manufacturers, interior designers, and many other home furnishings organizations. From brand identity development to product launches; art direction to website and e-commerce design; public relations, event planning, social media, photography, collateral design, and so much more, our team uses their expertise to benefit our client’s greater successes.”
According to Bill McLoughlin, editor in chief of Furniture Today, “This recognition program was initiated to celebrate the many companies that are doing outstanding work across the furniture industry. For those who achieve the recognition of Reader Rankings winner or finalist, this program is an opportunity to take pride in a recognition that comes from the customers themselves. It is an acknowledgement that the hard work, sweat and tears that have gone into keeping business moving forward in the past year has not gone unrecognized.”
Kathy Wall founder of The Media Matters over 22 years ago added “I am very proud of our talented team of veteran communication specialists who strive to provide our clients with outstanding service. Their industry knowledge, contacts and involvement are what gives us a competitive advantage, sets us apart from other agencies and in turn makes our clients thrive. I want to thank all who helped us to make this award possible.”
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About The Media Matters/TMM Agency
Through captivating imagery, language and graphics, The Media Matters helps its clients break ahead of the competition and stand out in the world of the ordinary. The award-winning, North Carolina-based full-service marketing agency offers public relations; digital and social media communications; events and promotions; brand strategy development and management; consumer and trade advertising planning; photography art direction; collateral development; and executive consulting for local-to-international companies as well as established and rising brands. For more information, visit our website or Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or LinkedIn.