A video of a Korean blogger sharing the first thing he did after reaching India has gone viral online. Kim Jaehyeon, a blogger and hairstylist, posted the video on his personal Instagram page. The video has amused many and may have the same effect on you too.
“The first thing I did when I reached India,” he wrote while sharing the video. The video opens to show a view of the country from a plane’s window. As the video progresses, the blogger is seen riding a bus and reaching a local shop. At the shop, he enjoys a glass of sugarcane juice and adds that it is the first thing that he did after visiting India. Towards the end of the clip, he also takes a bite out of raw sugarcane.
Take a look at the video:
The video was posted a few days ago. Since being shared, the clip has gone viral. Till now, it has accumulated over one million views and the numbers are only increasing. Additionally, the video has received several likes and comments.
Here’s how Instagram users reacted:
“It is the best drink to try,” wrote an Instagram user. “Yess one shot is the best way to drink sugarcane juice!!” shared another. “Did you like it or not,” asked a third. To which, the blogger replied, “Definitely like.” A fourth joined and expressed, “Sugarcane juice is everyone’s favourite. ”