The weeklong conference hopes to bring together the startup and small business communities in Buffalo.
BUFFALO, N.Y. — The Buffalo startup community convened at Seneca One Monday night to kick off a week’s worth of events focused on entrepreneurs and small business owners.
So, what exactly is startup week?
“Buffalo Startup Week is a week celebrating and amplifying entrepreneurship in Western New York,” said Kat Carter. “It was originally started by the tech startup community here in Buffalo, and we decided this year, we wanted to expand it to celebrate all entrepreneurship in Western New York.”
There are over 80 sessions focused on a variety of topics that someone wanting to start a business would want to learn about.
“We have Derrick Jackson coming in to talk about merchants and industry from Grizelda. We’ve got a Jason Alexa from Eat Off Art to talk to artists about how they can make a living off their art as well as tech-type talks on product marketing, sales, founders’ stories, failure stories, all kinds of good stuff,” Carter said.
On Wednesday, the keynote address will be held with startup founder Marcus Bullock delivering.
Bullock spent several years in prison and once released founded a company, Flikshop, that allows friends and family to easily send letters and photos to someone incarcerated.
“I legit wanted to be able to find a way to send pictures to my friends who were in jails and prisons around the country,” Bullock said. “There was no quick way for me to be able to do that.”
Registration for Buffalo Startup Week is ongoing. You can find the full schedule of events here, as well as register. If you’re interested in participating, you can also register in person at the event.